Come Join Us!

Are you kind of feeling like you might have a case of the “Covid Crazies?” Being home alone….doesn’t have to be quite so alone.

Connally Gilliam and I would like to invite you to a short series of Wednesday night events where we explore how the Living God becomes our emotional Rock in a time like this. You’ll see if you click on the link above that we are taking a deeper look at vulnerability ..,.and forgiveness….and how to listen to God as you move out into life again.

I never pictured myself sharing life with women through a medium such as Zoom. But then, I am reminded that God will use anything. As the words from The Blessing go, “In the morning, in the evening, in your coming and your going, in your weeping, and rejoicing, He is for you. He is for you. He is for you.

Please join us!

Paula and Connally
